Rocklin Manufacturing Blog

die repair

Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 3/10/2020
As the stock market swings wildly, we all face similar uncertainties and concerns. How long will this last? What’s coming next? How can we prepare?
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 8/3/2017
We recently filmed two videos to illustrate how our line of micro welders can easily solve a wide range of mold and die repair needs. The short clips demonstrate the simplicity, versatility, portability, and durability that are core features of the MoldMender Micro Welder and the Lase One Micro Welder.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 4/25/2017
Imagine you’re running an expensive mold and a tool gets dropped on it. You’re now left with a scratch and a small nick on the mold to go along with a big headache. What should you do?
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